10 question for Audy

This chick is Raudya Amalia (13) she is the best girl fingerboarders in the team (because we only have one girl in the team hahaha). She is a tomboy but still have br*ast.. ups.. she still a younger girls but have a good talent on fingerboard. Okey I give her 10 question here they are :
1. Are you she or male?
- she.. :( stupid question
2. When your latest hair treatment?
- Hmm....This year, dont worry boy
3. Justin timberlake or Justin bieber? Why?
- Bieber, young and rich hahaha
4. Whats your boy or girl friend? should be?
- Justin Bieber :p , baby baby oooo.... hahaha
5. Describe a day to you?
- Enjoy (simple answer)
6. Nollie or Fakie?
- Nollie, i dont like fake things hehehe
7. What is your fav trick?
- Hhmmm.. nollie double flip
8. Do you wearing lingerie?
- F*ck you
9. Three word about you?
- Really - love - laugh
10. Last question...Enjoy or Money?
- ENJOY... my dad already have a lot money hahaha

Ok thanks for your answer Audy