Some interview with the Popo before we decide about the colaborations :)

coutersy : From The Popo blogs Link Klik Here

The Popo is the one of the most popular street art In Indonesia. He is the street artist,graphic design lecturer my teacher and also my best friend. Maybe you also know the Popo as street art, or maybe some of you dont know him. Born in 1983 Rian riyadi (the truth name) a.k.a the Popo grown in Jakarta and now he still livin this town. He was made a lot exhibition and lot of art work. Take a look his work on the street, there so many piece of his work (mural and graffiti)  decorate the wall and give a little satire against the town with his mural and his work. just see another work like "jangan pucet liat Jakarta macet" or "demi flyover pohon game over" and Etc. After our conversation, talk about the design then we decide to make some collaboration. Here some interview with The Popo, hope you Enjoy it :)

- lu tau finger board ga ?
tau... finger = jari, board = papan, jari yang mirip papan.... hahahaha

I know

- apa aja yg udah lu lakukan di street art / What you have done for sreet art
belum banyak, 10 tahun terakhir gw terus membuat karya seni dengan media apapun didalam ruang maupun di luar ruang, dan gw lebih sering membuat mural

not much, the last 10 years I continued to create works of art with any medium in the chamber and outside the room, and I often make a mural

- apa yang menarik di street art / what makes you interesting on street art
banyak banget, seperti pertemanan, komunikasi, semangat liar, menciptakan system yang anti system dan perencanaan suatu karya yang bandel tapi dengan tanggung jawab

many, such as friendship, communication, wild spirit, creating a system that anti-system and planning a work of mischievous but with responsibilities

-jelasin tentang konsep karakter the popo / can't you explain about the popo
popo adalah suatu karakter hasil konsep yang sederhana, cepat, tapi penuh pemikiran, karakternya sangat mudah di ingat mudah di ikuti, orang-orang cenderung cepat hapal akan bentuk visualnya, karakter popo di konsep untuk sebuah ikon di setiap karya-karya gua

The popo is a simple character with a simple concept, fast, but full of thought, his character is very easy to remember easy to follow, people will tend to quickly memorized visual form, the Popo characters conceptualized to be my representing in every art work i made.

-sejarah karakter the popo / History about The Popo character :

Ini salah satu bentuk keputus asa-an gua membuat gambar realis muka gua, akhirnya karakter sederhana  ini tercipta sangat mewakili gua, muka bulat dan mata besar yang sayu ini adalah ciri fisik gua, suatu saat elu akan bertemu gua dan meng-iya kan betapa mirip nya muka popo sama gua hahaha…

The Popo charater is one of my desperation making realistic sketch of my self face, eventually this created a very simple characters representing me, round face and big eyes are glazed this is a physical characteristic of me, when you meet me, i bet you will agree my face is just like the POPO face hahahaha..

-makna street art buat the popo / what street art means to you
streetart buat gua adalah suatu media berkomunikasi dengan publik, didalamnya banyak keragaman karya seni dan visual, gua bisa menciptakan peraturan sendiri di dunia streetart

streetart for me is a medium to communicate with the public, inside of street art there is a lot of diversity, and visual art, I could create my own rules in the street art world

-pendapat lu tentang grafis rusewood / what do you think about Rusewood graphic
anak muda banget, happy banget.

representing of young spirit, fun.

-apa yang bikin the popo mau kolaborasi bareng rusewood / what bring you to do some collaboration with Rusewood
rusewood gua liat adalah mimpi besar seorang teman, gua menyaksikan proses2 kreatif  rusewood, ini adalah pergerakan yang bukan omong kosong, gua sendiri mempunyai mimpi2 yang sama dengan rusewood, mungkin kolaborasi ini adalah awal mimpi2 bersama, bergerak bersama, besar bersama.

I see Rusewood have big dreams, a friends dream, I witnessed the creative process of rusewood, this is a movement that is not just a bullshit, we have the same dreams, maybe this collaboration is the beginning to chasing our dreams, move together, grew up with.

Wanna see the other art work clik here